Monday, February 04, 2008

Full of Os?

In the recent (how long we can call it recent? till another 20 days, so it is one month from the crash?) stock market crash it seems it was traders worst affected were those with positions in the Futures & Options segment of the market.

When the stock prices crashed and with that the futures & options prices also crashed, there was margin calls all around and people almost everything they held and that was listed on the stock exchanges. The losses were so much that some even listed (!) their personal belongings to sell.

My friend and I were talking about this.

Friend: You know the market crash affected the traders with speculative positions in the futures and options segment most.

Me: Yes. People were into Futures as if there were no other Options! And so FnO became FnWoe. (Full of Woes)


Sunder said...

Dear SamAruna:

In the Futures we lost money, which is now Past, but we had many Options for money in view of our Future again. Is this a classic example of Life Cycle?

david santos said...

Hello, SmAruna!
Thanks for your posting and have a good weekend

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